With more clubs per student and field trips a year than even large private schools, IVA High students have more fun as they engage with each other and explore beyond their classrooms. They attend Spanish Club fiestas, win basketball tournaments, attend movie nights together, and plan field trips and boat dances. At IVA High, you are not just classmates, you are friends.

Extra-Curriculars at IVA High
IVA High students have a wide range of extra-curricular options to help them custom design their own high school experience. Participation is much higher than other typical district or charter schools. All extra-curricular options are supported by an adult sponsor. With enough interest, students have the autonomy to create a new club. If you're ready to create a new club, fill out the Club Request Form.
Clubs & Sports Overview

Field Trips at IVA High
IVA High believes that learning should be connected to the world. Teachers, administrators, and partner organizations connect students' curiosities and passions to learning outside of the classroom. That is most often done by engaging in discussions and connecting projects in the classroom with real world issues. More robust connections are made in the community through field trips, which we offer four times a year. Here is a sample of places IVA High students have visited:

High school should prepare for college and career. We have partnered with EXP and created our own on-campus internship program to offer every student a paid internship if they want to pursue one. Students have received internships in a variety of industries.
Industries where IVA High students have interned:
Examples of organizations where IVA High students have completed internships:
Campus Events and Activities
Part of what makes these years so memorable is enjoying the high school experience: attend Spanish Club fiestas, play games and compete in on campus tournaments, attend movie nights together, and plan field trips and dances. At most schools, these things are offered but few attend; at IVA High, virtually everybody participates in at least one of these events. Part of the family feel of IVA High is not only do we work well together in the classroom, but also we know how to have fun together. Campus activities that have been offered at the IVA High include: